Sunday 29 March 2009


Name : Toeus
Character : a turtle like character who can survive on land as well as under water, a playable character throughout the adventures

Name : Squill
Character : A squid like character, a playable character in the underwater adventures.

Name : Nertal
Character : Tortoise - a mutated character, a cross between a tortoise and crab. Nertal is a playable character which can survive underwater and on land.

Name : Bladez
Character : Sea Horse - a mutated character, cross between a sea horse and a saw. this is a non-playable character, a character to avoid during the game to avoid being hurt.

Name : Jilly
Character : Jelly Fish - water creature with a sting in the tale. A playable character.

1 comment:

  1. Am loving the names! Suddenly they feel like real, tangible characters; get used to talking about them as if they exist; make us want them! :-) Looking forward to thursday - remember, I'll be looking at your art direction and design methodology - put more simply, why the things in your world look the way do - the 'family resemblance' between character and environment, object and font, interface and world etc. I want to see a clear thru-line that binds your design together; if you learn this most valuable of design lessons (i.e. that everything should derive from the same aesthetic DNA), then the projects that follow will have character, recognisability (that's not a real word!) and appeal. I know you are a proud (i.e. stubborn!) individual, but trust me, take this advice, apply it, and reap the rewards! Good luck and see you soon! :-)
